Greener Energy tips for your home.
Here at Mrs Green’s we have been observing the news with interest, with regard to rising energy prices and the closure of some well-known suppliers. This will affect all homeowners and business owners in the UK. There’s never a good time to deal with higher prices, but during a pandemic and with winter and Christmas approaching we all need to look at how we can reduce our energy consumption moving forward.

Here are Mrs Green’s top 10 tips to help.
1. Turn it off!! Unplug electrical items when they are not in use, leaving things on standby still uses power, so turn off plugs at night and unplug items not in use. This is also a fire safety precaution. Switch off lights in areas not in use, or install motion sensors, which turn on & off automatically. If your household unplugs just 5 devices you will notice a difference in your bills.
2. Turn it down!! By reducing your settings on your central heating by 1 degree, you can save pounds on your heating bills, in addition, look at your hot water settings, this too can be reduced, and the savings are huge. Set the timer on your boiler so it only operates when required.
3. If certain rooms in your home are unused, turn down the radiators to a lower setting, or even turn them off.
4. Invest in energy efficient tech like the Hive or Nest system which can be controlled remotely from your mobile devices, you have total control over how much energy you use at your fingertips.
5. Switch to LED bulbs! One of the quickest and easiest ways to reduce your energy costs is by changing your household light bulbs to energy saving LED bulbs. Some Energy suppliers will change all your household bulbs for you and leave you replacements for when required.
6. Make sure your property is correctly insulated in the walls and roof, this will save on heat loss. It will pay for itself in time.
7. Use the Eco settings on washing machines and dishwashers, these use a cooler temperature, less water and shorter run time.

8. If possible dry your laundry outdoors, or use a clothes airer, this keeps your laundry smelling lovely, and if drying indoors it makes you home smell fresh too, if this isn’t possible invest in some dryer balls for your tumble dryer which can reduce your drying time significantly.
9. It may not be the best time to look for a new energy supplier, but if it’s the right time to change then choose a supply which is 100% renewable.
10. Use your microwave! You may not think it but by using your microwave to cook certain foods it saves so much more energy than using an oven for a longer length of time.

If you do find you are struggling to pay your energy bills, speak to your provider, they may be able to help you with a payment plan, or a change of tariff. As Winter approaches let us all hope we can all look forward to cosy nights snuggled inside keeping warm and dry.